Monday, June 29, 2009

Two weeks to go!


The Job Hunt

I did get rejected by the literary agency I applied for. Apparently they don't want anyone who is new to the area. But on the plus side, the woman who told me about their freelance video editing pool has reviewed my work and says that she will let me know when they have some work to be done. So that's cool.


I had to write 6 book descriptions this weekend. That was done after a nap and a trip to the grocery store. What a weekend. Now it's back to classes. Okay, focus. I also have a nice new roommate (my brother's age) now who is taking performing art classes.


We had a pannel of bloggers today. Interesting things that came up: Publishing isn't in a crisis--NYC conglomerates are. People spend money on social things these days, not merely products. Authors can get money without retailers and publishers. Publishers and agents still have a role, but the order isn't always the same now. 40,000 books sold is a success. 40,000 magazines sold is a disaster. Women buy more electronics than men, and they buy more books. "Human nature needs a sorter" but book production is becoming lateral and not through media conglomerates. UK publishers are "in a weird place." Espresso book machines are the future bookstore.

At lunch, I sat in the park. There were four benches in a row, each with one person in it. Left to right: woman reading a book, man reading a kindle, woman reading a magazine, man reading his cell phone screen. Print and digital in harmony!


Tour of Scholastic Books.

New Ricky Gervais film. Looking forward to it:

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