Thursday, June 04, 2009

The Tour

I went on a tour of Good Housekeeping this morning. It's in Hearst's brand new building. WHOA. You walk in and there's a waterfall with a diagonal escalator going through it. You're going up as the water's going down around you. And above are big glass ceilings and marble. So corporate.

And the elevators had mirrors so clean that I thought the elevator was twice as big. (We fit 20 ppl in one). It wasn't until my way back down that I saw myself on the other side of the crowd. And even then, I was more willing to believe I was having an identity crisis than that I was looking in a mirror. Has this ever happened to you? It's the freakiest thing. My brain reacted in an unexpected way. I feel bad for those kids in The Parent Trap. I don't know if I could cope.

We didn't really tour the magazine part of the brand. We went through their testing facilities instead. They test all their products thoroughly before they decide whether to advertise them in the magazine. That was pretty neat.

Got to dress up for mock interviews with HR tomorrow. Printers aren't working, so I can't print my resume. Annoying! Resume paper is $13 for 100 sheets. Also annoying.

Want to hear something funny? The school's online organizer for students is accidentally enrolling us all in nursing and Islamic studies courses. Whoo.

It's nice not to have much homework tonight.

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