Monday, January 12, 2009

Cooking video

Check out this 4 minute cooking video I made...

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

This winter break consists of...

(in no particular order)

1. sleeping
2. editing my novel (please see other blog)
3. copying a million VHS tapes onto DVD. Okay not a million. Just 90. Yee gods.
4. hanging out with friends, finally
5. reading: I finished the Bible, Going Postal, Paper Towns, and am working on Samael's Fall
6. writers group, twice anyway
7. grad school application, just waiting to hear back now
8. promo and setup stuff for Gaelic Storm and Junebug
9. short film for a spiritual workshop
10. scrapbook

I just thought I ought to post something over here since I've been neglecting le blog in efforts to post regularily on live journal.