Sunday, June 21, 2009

I need your memories

In the article I'm writing, I'm trying to make a point about how free internet takes away jobs from people in other industries. In order to do that, I'm trying to reference a movie where robots take away jobs from people. At first I thought I Robot, but I can't recall a scene where that was actually an issue.

Now, I vaguely remember a scene in some movie, probably a cartoon, where an older man gets replaced by a machine. I think he was making chairs or something. Can anyone remember what movie this was? I thought it might be Pixar, but they haven't actually made that many movies.

Or if you can think of another movie example where robots replace humans in the workforce, let me know. Thanks.


JMN said...

Dad says Charlie & the Chocolate Factory because he thinks Charlie's grandpa was replaced by automation (I'm not so sure, I thought it was the Oompa Loompas). I think there's a better example in the movies because I also seem to remember about a character being antiquated because he was not as fast or as efficient as machines but I think the story went along that the machines broke down or something and his expertise was now valued...something like that. Good luck. Let us know if you find out which movie you were thinking of.

J Leigh said...

Ha, that was actually my best guess! I had typed in "Charlie and the chocolate factory dad fired" in Yahoo, but I couldn't find anything.