Thursday, July 02, 2009

The good, the bad, and the rainy

Good News
Took a tour of an independent bookstore today, which was pretty cool. The person who started it was quite young, but I guess she had enough money for such a big project.

Bad News
Got a bit stressed out over resume/job stuff yesterday. Apparently you're not supposed to advertise that you're a writer if you want an editorial position. It makes sense, but it's a little snobbish at the same time. Also, other people in the program are getting interviews and even jobs already. Not really sure what's going to happen with me.

I got rained on hardcore today. Not sure when my shoes are going to be ready to wear again.

Oh no! Robert Llewellyn got in a bad car crash. He's okay now. But his beloved Prius isn't. Read here.

Good News
On a lighter note, it's now a three day weekend and I have no plans (other than lots of homework) so I can do whatever I want! Happy Independence Day weekend, everybody!

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