Friday, July 10, 2009

I am a graduate!

I have my certificate in publishing, everybody. It's just a little paper certificate like the ones you get for high honor roll or somesuch, but a certificate nonetheless.

The career fair was okay. I talked to everyone I wanted to talk to, each one for a couple minutes. I think a lot of people are interested in sub rights now because someone asked, "Why does everyone keep saying they want to do sub rights?" Anyway, Hachette has the most multimedia stuff going on, it seems. I got the best vibe from the two literary agencies, maybe because they're less corporate. A lot of places suggest doing internships first. Some are only for credit, so I can't do HC, for example, but there are others. All unpaid except for Penguin, I think. But I could do a short internship PT and have a paid PT job as well because eventually the internship would lead into a full time job, if not with that company, then into another. So, basically, I handed out a bunch of resumes and got a few business cards. The network lady said it's all in the follow up, so I'll be doing that later in the week.

Then we got lunch and certificates. A lot of people are leaving today. It's sad. More people are leaving tomorrow. It doesn't feel over yet, but maybe it will sink in come Monday when I wake up thinking "Crap, this is real life now--I have to find a place to live."

Thanks to everybody who supported me in my NYU venture.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Always here for you dear. :)