Saturday, December 05, 2009

Podcast Episode 2, part 1

Just what you've been waiting for: The We're NOT John Stamos Podcast episode 2, part 1 of 5.

Live in New York City, on Halloween, starring the Scooby gang.

Part 1 includes New York hostel anecdotes and an infomercial for Halloween costumes.

What you have to look forward to:

Part 2: How Lindsey's hair caught fire and The perils of online dating.

Part 3: The Princeton Club, stripper poles, and boxed wine

Part 4: Clambakes and Post Offices

Part 5: Planes, Elmo, and getting lost in New York City

I think part 1 is the least funny segment, so you have a lot to look forward to.

Don't forget to follow the website.

1 comment:

JMN said...

If this was the least humorous one, I really can't wait for the next 4. This was absolutely HILARIOUS!!