Last night, I went to a book launch for the translation into English of Von Kleist short stories. There was a very interesting discussion about the art of translation, something I didn't know much about until this internship. The translator and some of the audience members were talking about how there can be different sides of your brain that connect with different languages. Also, if you're fluent in multiple languages, it's kind of a "controlled Schizophrenia." You can be someone else by speaking another language.
They also talked about how translation is the best way to study a text, and that all writers should experience the process of translating a text. Almost makes me wish I would have kept at French. I don't know why, but foreign language classes have always been intimidating. There can be the best teacher and the best classmates, but there is always the possibility of getting called on to say something you don't know how to say.
After the reading, there was a crowded reception where I mingled about with people that I did and didn't know. I stayed around until nearly nine (it started at 6:30) chatting with some people before I made my exit, to both the event and the internship, but I will likely make it to other book signings.
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