Thursday, December 31, 2009


Things I don't like about flying:

People breaking wind in the cabin of the airplane.
Maintenance delays causing me to miss my connecting flight, which means that I am stuck in Ohio for New Years Eve, missing the New Years party of the year.

Things I like about flying:

Witty remarks from flight attendants.
The nicest person working at the airline, Kelly, who kindly found me a flight for tomorrow morning.
A friendly shuttle driver.
A free night at a hotel so fancy, they give you a fresh gooey cookie with your room key. Two beds, a leather couch, and a chaise longe. And meal vouchures and free transport to the airport.

Well, happy new year. More from me later.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I was sad to hear about this from Lindsey. I hope as I write this you're home!