I went home to Wisconsin this weekend, which was great because I got to go to my cousin's wedding reception, hang out with my family, go to the farmer's market, hang out with my friends (which involved podcasting, watching Joan of Arcadia, eating sushi, and playing the Goosebumps board game). I returned to NYC to find that it had magically become summer in my absence. I really feel like the world has come out of a cocoon and the future seems so much brighter than it did last month.maybe sunshine makes me more ambitious.
Important things to click on
My article on How to Install Double-rod Curtains is on doityourself.com.
Update on Burbank.
Reading and brainstorming for new story.
- Possibly going to Damon Wayans book signing tomorrow?
- Acting workshop on Monday.
- Major book launch on Wednesday.
- Possibly Among the Oak and Ash concert later this month?
- BEA (Book Expo) at the end of the month.
Ashes to Ashes: Just watched episode 5. Still dying to find out what happened to Sam Tyler. Surprised to see Litton of all people show up in this show (from Life on Mars). Do you know what I think really makes this season? Jim Keats. I know you're supposed to hate him, but I prefer the scenes he's in. He makes for a really great bad guy (or is he?) because he's so convincing as being kind. A well-written well-acted character.
Unimportant things to click on
Love this: new Ricky/Steve/Karl interview.
Rhett and Link on Carson: