Thursday, February 04, 2010

Week of Awesome Stuff

1. Okay, first off, the good job news is that I'm getting a lot more responsibilities at my internship and probably even more hours a week. With three days a week and clever budgeting, I might be able to break even each month rather than watch my bank account spiral down into nothingness, which is what I have been doing the last six months, especially with that $365 plane ticket. Oi! But now I'm in charge of the new social media strategy, which is pretty awesome, you have to admit.

2. I finished listening to the audio book of UNSEEN ACADEMICALS by Terry Pratchett. You can read my review on my writing blog. Want to win a personalized and signed copy of this book? Go over here and donate to Haiti to enter the raffel. Lots of other stuff available, especially if you like Harry Potter.
I also cartooned the picture above.

3. I finished reading the last two stories of NIGHTWATCH by Sergei Lukyanenko. You can read my review on my writing blog. I've also drawn the above image from the movie DayWatch where Anton gets ridiculed by his boss because he's a Light One drinking dark beer.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Glad to hear it Jaime! :)