Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Before I get into the experiments, I just wanted to quick post a link of the Bill Miller concert that someone put on YouTube. The guy on the left in the back is our chancellor.

Experiment # 1: writing

I'm experimenting with a piece called Burbank with a Baedeker. It's a fictional comedy travel blog. It's experimental in at least two fashions:

1. It's a blog. But it's fiction. Never done that before. It'll be interesting to see how the readers interact with the text.

2. I'm the author, but the narrator is a fictional character named Burbank. But Burbank is writing it pretending he is actually his friend Milo. So it has a lot of layers of perspectives. He says things about Milo that Milo would never say about himself if he were writing his own blog. Also, Burbank's a bit of an exaggerator and liar.

To read chapter one, click here.

Experiment #2: drawing

You saw in my previous post my first drawing (not done yet) for the Bradbury project I'm doing. I didn't want to do illustrations, yet the first drawing came out as an illustration. I wanted it to be less narrative, more surreal-ish. So I'm experiementing how to draw something that IS a metaphor. I think I might be in over my head. (Pictures coming soon).

While I'm drawing, I tend to multitask either by having something on TV (I went through two episodes of Torchwood) or by listening to audio books. Most recently, I've been listening to various comedy sketches. There are a lot of really great ones on YouTube. Today, I've decided that Karl Pilkington is the funniest un-comedian ever. I say un-comedian because I don't think he's actually trying to be funny. If he is, it's one heck of an act, but all the things I've listened to (podcasts, etc.) show him to be pretty consistant.

Here's a clip I liked. I nearly died laughing at the Shakespeare part.

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