My interactive novel (or shall we say fictional blog) is now four weeks in. I thought I'd drop in some comments and stats on the progress it's making. If you would like to participate (and please do), visit Milo's Blog and leave comments.
Blog stats
4 posts
260 page hits
You can look at unique visitors vs. returning visitors and play around with the graph here.
Facebook stats
48 fans (10 of which I don't know)
Twitter stats (twitter/milohtomb)
91 tweets
on 17 lists
This week, Milo has posted a comment. This is a common element to the story. Burbank writes from Milo's point of view...then Milo gets annoyed and tries to correct Burbank's blog posts by declaring the truth publicly in the comments. But what is truth, anyway?
You really want to test my writing skills? Throw me a curve in the comments.
Any social media gurus have any more suggestions on either getting more people to the blog, getting more comments, or things I should add on the blog's sidebar or separate pages? Don't get me wrong: I'm thrilled with the outcome thus far. I thought it would start slow and build up. I just hope it doesn't go the other way and trickle off. Once the tour starts up, there will be 7 posts PER DAY. But there are 7 posts per page as well, so all you readers have to do is sit down each night and read just one page of crazy hilarity (don't worry, the posts are short).
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