Saturday, May 08, 2010

Movies and TV

Look how broad this topic is.

Something else I'm looking forward to...

Seven Wonders
Here's the first trailer for Karl Pilkington's travel TV show. It's basically him criticizing TV shows on Sky 1 with a bit of reference to his travel show, which Ricky set up just to annoy Karl.

Ashes to Ashes
The series finale part 1 is next week. I mean the whole A2A series is coming to an end. Will we get to find out if Sam Tyler is still alive? If he's mad, in a coma, or back in time?--The ultimate question that's been hanging since Life on Mars first aired all those years ago. And who exactly is Jim Keats? Because after yesterday's episode, everyone saying that he's the grim reaper. Is he that? Or is he a bent copper who's killing cops and making it look like Gene's neglect is to blame so that he can get Gene booted out?

Doctor Who
The Time of Angels episode was so much better than the previous one. They've got River Song, the biggest mystery of season 4, with the Weeping Angels, the coolest baddies of season 3. Naturally, it is the first of a two-parter. They take both stories a step further with some surprises. Doctor Who is better when it's scary. And this episode is scary.

Pirate Radio
Pretty much a rubbish movie right up until the parliment tries to take them off the air. And then it was awesome. Unfortunately, you have to sit through like an hour and a half of character development to get there. The best line is Bill Nighy at the wedding saying ... well, I'll let you hear it for yourself (at the very beginning):

I am still watching Hamlet. It's very good. It's hard to say whether it's better than the Kenneth Branagh version, but it's much more modern. A lot of the scenes are delivered in ways I've never seen before, which is pretty cool. The dialogue is still the original Shakespeare but there are video cameras and t-shirts and blue jeans and all that modern stuff. Tennant does the best job at saying his lines in a way that makes people understand the meaning even if the diction is a little alien. Here is a very short clip, one of the many scenes where Hamlet pretends to be insane.

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