Thursday, November 11, 2010

Vlog => TV?

Don't get me wrong--I'm excited for Rhett and Link's YouTube shows to be picked up for a pilot for the Independent Film Channel, but this is the second vlog (out of like 4) that I watch that's been picked up for a TV show. I thought that vlogs are the next generation of media, better than TV because you can watch it whenever you want, you have input into what goes into it, and you can communicate with the creators and other fans. So it's strange the way TV is trying to drag YouTubers backward into the old TV mode like it's better or something. They'll make more money, yes, and it would be exciting to see them on TV, and it will probably increase their fanbase because there are still a lot of TV-watchers who don't watch vlogs. It just makes me think a little about the heirarchy of media and snobbiness of the old TV guys and the allure of their money. Hmm.

Good luck Rhett & Link, though. I hope the rest of the series gets picked up.

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