- Spending Sunday night watching the Director's Cut of DayWatch only to find they didn't change a dang thing. What, do you have to watch it in Russian to see the differences? I may not have this film memorized shot-for-shot, but I know it pretty well.
- Some teenager trying to run me over with his car and then laughing about it
- Waking up at midnight last night to the sound of the cat rolling a tampon under my door. wtf, mate. But I did laugh pretty hard.
Good Things
- Church picnic
- Watching some guy standing in the doorway at work struggling with a full-size plastic skeleton
- After a long writers block, I'm writing again
- I just bought 50% off tickets to see Lend Me a Tenor on Broadway (closing night) starring Tony Shaloub (Monk) and Justin Bartha (National Treasure) for this Sunday.
That sounds like an awesome play :)
I agree with Jaeger...and I'm envicous.
Laughed out loud on the guy struggling with the plastic skeleton--Ha ha, that's too funny. Would have loved to have seen that.
And the guy saw me walking by and smirking, and he said "Hi" and I almost said, "Wow, your friend's not looking too good," but I stopped myself and just said "hi" back because he might not think it's funny.
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