Hey, I know this is a one-in-the-morning post, but I'm not delirious. There's this new website called yourpants.org, and I'm not into forums, I'll be honest. The last time I used a forum was probably middle school. However, there is a folder of threads in there that simply asks people to post about whatever project they are cuurently working on. So I jumped on the opportunity to pitch our
podcast to any artists who might want to join our ranks. Now, this might not sound like it would work, and normally it probably wouldn't. However, the important ingredient I have not yet told you: This site was created by and is supported by
Hank Green, which means the creatively energetic (or energetically creative?) online community nerdfighters will be dominating this space, and nerdfighters love projects. I've already gotten 3 replies in 1 day, which is more than I got from a week of unsolicited emails to artists I admire. Long Live
Your Pants and May it Bring Us Imaginative Friends.
(Oh by the way, if you don't know who Hank Green is, go to Google, and just type "Is H" and before you hit enter, see what Google suggests for you.)
Okay, I just spelled "will" "whil" so I need to slaep... slep... sleep now.
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