Friday, January 21, 2011

Golden Globes

A lot of press is fake, but man, does the press about the Golden Globes really hammer it home. They are lying through their teeth to say they are shocked at how Ricky Gervais did not take the awards ceremony seriously enough. The only reason they hired him is because they knew he'd be offensive, and he's been announcing for months that he planned to be more offensive than last year. I admit, I was expecting it to be MUCH more offensive. I've seen his standup (Carnegie Hall!), I know what he's capable of, so the fact that the press is pretending like the HFPA and celebrities are in a huff about it is a terribly poor lie. They did the same thing last year, said that McCartney was upset when he wasn't. He's not actually in trouble--it just makes for a more interesting story, and maybe the HFPA like that because it gets them press and separates the offensive things said from themselves, even though they hired him knowingly.

I liked Colin Firth's speech, but Geoffrey Rush should have won an award :(

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