Saturday, October 02, 2010

My YouTube Account

I now have 76 videos uploaded to my YouTube account. The most popular with 26 comments and 12,422 hits (?!) is Holloway Road. I'm not sure why, but it gets massive traffic.

I think I may start a separate account for the podcast once we start getting some guests on. I have one special guest already agreeing to do it, which I'm very excited about. And Lindsey and I think we've got this Skype thing figured out, though the quality's not perfect. And I'm starting to get a hang of the animation software, but I'm terrified they're going to charge me twice because instead of letting the 30-day-trial run out, I just went online and bought it and it said if you don't call to cancel your trial, they'll charge your card and you get to keep it. I can't seem to get into contact with customer service, so they'd better have canceled my trial. Anyway, tangent.

Also, just uploaded a new video to my YouTube account here:

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