Going Places is Melissa Clampffer's debut album. She has that deadly combination of being an awesome songwriter, awesome singer, and awesome pianist. Definitely check her CD out.
You can buy it on DigStation now,
and very soon on CDBaby and iTunes, I believe. And if you don't trust me, just listen to "Please Come Home" on her MySpace page. Then you will want the whole album.
Oh, did I mention that I did the album art? I did the front cover, the back cover, the CD itself, and the thank you page.
Melissa also has a new website that's just getting off the ground at http://www.melissaclampffer.com/.
I'm excited to go to her CD launch in Philly. She's super talented, and I just love these songs!
I have also created a Facebook Fan Page for her, so check that out for some fun stuff.
I also made this promo vid:
As usual, clever animation!
She may want all of her songs completely animated.
It's true. I've been spoiled by Jaime's incredible talents.
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