Tuesday, September 14, 2010


This video is backward. Way to go, Rhett and Link. That is awesome.

Also, Lindsey has a new blog. Link in the doobly-doo (sidebar, for those of you who don't speak nerd).

Also, I read some excerpts of Burbank with a Baedeker at open mic night.

Also, Lindsey and I had an exec meeting about the podcast and want to invite celebrity YouTubers and other generally awesome people to guest-star on our show. But we need to look credible, so "like" us on Facebook. Also, I want to download the 30-day trial period for Flash to see if it is worth buying. This might make my animation process go faster and maybe even suck slightly less.

Also, I just booked a killer book event for October 4th at Birdland. Quiz night is going to be encorporated into Cast Party, which is a Broadway themed open mic night. If you're in New York, check it out.

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