Upcoming Events
Tim O'Brien will be signing books in two weeks at B&N Union Square.
John Green will be doing 2 NYC gigs in April. I bought tickets to the first one since it's on a Sunday and the other one was TBA on a Monday night.

I don't usually do collages, so I thought I'd try. It's magazine clippings with tape and the background added in with Photoshop.
I don't believe this. They're starting a reality show that's for the book publishing company. Basically it's "So You Want To Be An Editor?" Here's the link.
I finished watching the first season of Lost. I imagine it would be easy to write if you don't have an idea of what the island actually is. I will wait to be impressed with the clever writing until they tell us the answer. I can see the formula that makes the show like popcorn, makes you want just one more handful and then another and another. All the characters are interesting enough and slowly developing. The trick is to put in a bunch of secrets, unveil them slowly, and throw in random new elements like a case full of guns, etc.
Completely gave up on Survivors on BBC America. Although decent acting, the characters are flat and archetypal, and the story is just not unique or interesting enough.
Haven't watched more of the Ricky Gervais Show yet because I don't have HBO.
and just for fun...
The new OK Go video from the guys who brought you the treadmill music video . Apparently EMI disabled OK Go's embedding abilities for their treadmill video which caused a huge decline in how many views it got per day. So now the band has abandoned the record label and is releasing the next CD on their indi label. Their next video is going viral too. Astounding. Watch below:
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