Thursday, March 26, 2009
Why we love Internet Explorer
So I grumble a bit and go to check my school email in Outlook. It says I have two new messages, but it won't load. I leave it for 15 minutes and it still says "loading."
Then I notice a little thing at the top that says some sites are not compatible with the new version of IE. But never fear! There is an add-on that allows you to see even the oldest of sites.
That's great in theory, except that you just told me that you disabled all my add-ons because they'll crash the program.
*annoyed sigh*
So I did a System Restore to rollback my computer to yesterday. I have my very own time machine!
Firefox anyone?
Monday, March 23, 2009
Drawing Book
Thursday, March 19, 2009
1 pic/day

p.s. Check out the website I made for my undergraduate research project...
Friday, March 13, 2009
another poster from chimpanzees
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Poster Mania

Saturday, March 07, 2009
New SPEAK! poster
Are you sick of me yet?
1. Short Story
Want to read a draft of "another story about monsters" that I wrote for my fiction seminar? Check out my writing blog. You can also see the feedback I got from my classmates. I'll probably do another draft at some point. I honestly didn't like the story very much and was embaressed to send it to my class, but some people seemed to have really enjoyed it, some even liking it best out of all the stories.
2. The Mix CD Game
Me and Katie have started a new game. She sends me a mix CD of awesome songs and I send her my best guess of song title and bands. I get one point for each song right and one point for each band right. Bands are hard, so I usually just make stuff up. No lyric searching allowed. Only when I've sent the entire mock track list will she send me the actual track list. Then we switch roles.
3. Drawing Book
I don't have any scans yet, but I've been adding things to my little expensive drawing book for class. We're using Carlos Ferguson as an example. His drawing book is awesome. I like his line drawings of settings. I've found myself drawing classrooms in some of my "lesser classes" as BPJ would put it. I'll post some scans when I make some progress.
4. Car Pool
My new favorite show. I can't say it's my favorite TV show because it's not on TV, but you can download it off iTunes or just watch it on Llewtube. They just did an episode with Nigel Planer going on a tour through theatre land and pointing out places that I've been. Amazing! And I adore Nigel Planer. I saw him in Wicked in West End a couple years ago. Plus he's hilarious in Hogfather.
If you don't know what Car Pool is, it's a talk show that takes place in Robert Llewellyn's car (and occasionally a borrowed Tessler). There's lots of amazing people yet to come, too.
5. Coraline
I saw Corlaine in the theatre (La Crosse isn't cool enough to have 3d). Sufficiently creepy. I haven't read the book, so I have nothing to base it on, but the story was certainly Gaimanesque and the stop-motion animation was well done. I like the design of the characters, particularly the father. At first I wondered why it's not rated and then I saw the mostly naked woman dancing and I was like "ahhh!" Children, shield your eyes!
Okay. I'm off to B&N.
Friday, March 06, 2009
I had hilarious things to say on this blog last night, but it was 2 am by the time I finished working on the current video project I'm doing, so I went to bed instead. Therefore, you are getting the significantly less amusing edition of this post.
Something new for this blog:
This post comes in both categories AND subcategories!
1. Literacy and Lyrics
English Club is doing another book drive with live music. Here's the flyer I made last night.
2. Speak!
English Club's open mic night wasn't bad. Sitting at the table with the usual bunch tends to be more amusing than a lot of what's going on on stage, but our table's a tough act to beat.
3. George Watsky
English Club and CAB (both of which I am a member) sponsored George Watsky's slam poetry event last night. The turn out wasn't too bad, but I wish professors would have come. We advertized the heck out of this event. But the performance was fantastic.
On a slightly related note, I got accepted to Lesley University and rejected from Amherst. The two schools of choice are the NYU Summer Program (for publishing) and Emerson College. It turns out, George Watsky goes to Emerson College. Weird, huh?
1. Spring Concert: Augustana -- Video
I made this promo piece for our spring concert:
III. English Department
1. Not Fade Away
As you can see in previous posts, I've been working on a video/web project for a band composed primarily of English faculty. I've made some progress on the website and have posted one more video to YouTube. I also did the first draft of the DVD.
Check out the writing blog to get dates and locations of when you can come to my presentation of how to revise your novel.