Monday, January 11, 2010

Fast-paced weekend

I'm including today in the weekend since I only work Tuesday and Wednesday this week.

Saturday, I flew back into JFK. I actually managed the trip in one day this time.

Sunday, I went to the Times Talk (see photo above) to watch three playwrights get interviewed. These writers are contributers for a book we released at work. I'm not very familiar with their work, but it was a fascinating and funny interview. Afterward, so many people bought the book, we ran out of copies. The book is already on its second print run.
I also stopped in Barnes and Noble and they still don't have the recent Doctor Who Magazine issue with The End of Time. But I did get the unabridged audio book of Unseen Academicals (Terry Pratchett) for only ten dollars. Why it was on clearance, I don't know. Stephen Briggs is a rocking reader.
Today, I had a job interview with a company that I really, really want to work for. I think the interview went all right. It's just the waiting game now.
Afterward, I went to the DMV to get a New York driver license. I thought I'd be there forever, but I was in and out in less than half an hour. I have a temp license until the real deal comes in the post.
On the ride home, I finished reading The Stingray Shuffle by Tim Dorsey. Click here to read my review.
And now relax before work tomorrow.


Nicole said...

Can't wait to see your NY ID!

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