Hello everyone. I am back from England and boy have I been busy!
1. Riff
I've written some more of my next novel, Riff. Not a whole chapter, but bits and pieces that are quite good. I have somewhat of an outline finished, but nothing too specific because I like to be surprised. I'm back with my writers group for the summer, so I hope to get a little feedback.
2. Documentary
I'm making a documentary about studying abroad in London for American students. I'm doing it to get an academic stipend. So far, I've lined up all the audio and added some of the visual as well. Now I've got to pick and choose from my ten hours of video what I want to show.
3. London video
I'm also compiling my London video for personal viewing and to send to my friends I met in London. This will not be going to my school. But when people ask to see some video, I don't want to go digging through almost 20 hours of video, so I'm making a DVD. So far, I've put together a couple sketches including one for Dublin, a satire on Holloway Road, and a little bit of karaoke.
4. Masks
I really wanted to buy some full size masks in Venice, but they were expensive, too big for my suitcase, and would probably break on the return trip. So I've decided to make my own. I have now made eight and a half masks. Check out the website:
5. Website
Speaking of websites, I completely revamped my webpage. The material is more or less the same, but I gave it a new look. Still not the professional look, but I like it this way.
6. Scrapbooking
I looked at my C drive and deduced that I had 2,004 pictures from my London (and Spring Break) trip! That's a lot of scrapbooking! No,I'm not going to print all of them. But Shutterfly keeps giving away pictures for free, so I've managed to get about 50 photos for less than eight dollars, which is nice.
7. Drawing
Oh, and I made this picture.

Thanks for tuning in. More to come!