Thursday, September 28, 2006
rat spider
This little guy is on my desk board now, my 7th drawing. Yeah, I stole the idea from Spaced. So Simon and Edgar, don't eat my face.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Introduction to this blog
Yes. No. Here we go.
"Creativity, it has been said, consists largely of re-arranging what we know in
order to find out what we do not know." George Keller
order to find out what we do not know." George Keller
Basically, I'm going to log my creative thought process through each of my projects. It is entirely possible that I will mention the beginning of a project and then it will disappear, for it is only the ideas that last a certain amount of time in Limbo (between first thought and first action) that actually get started. I do promise, though, that 90% or more of what actually gets STARTED get finished.
Let us begin.
Current projects. (Sorry, this will be a dry description)
1) Haven -- this is my third novel that I have finished. I haven't been working on it lately because I've been trying to find an agent. Now that I have just (as of yesterday) been rejected by the one angent I was really relying on, perhaps I will go back to it and revise. I was also considering writing a sequel or two sometime. That still might happen. For now, not much is going on in the Haven realm, except I found out that there is a movie coming out with this title and it doesn't look to be any good.
2) Calendar -- I've been collecting quotes for years and years. I finally have enough to make a quote calendar -- one quote per day. They have pictures along with them. Problems: somehow I managed to skip from 345 to 356. Also, there is a handful that I don't want anymore. Right now, I have done January, February, and half of March. I am also adding some as I go if they fit. I'm trying not to make them up, but have been unsuccessful in that once:
-- I'm opposed to justice.
--You mean you're opposed to justice or judice?
--What the hell is judice?
--It's that bit before prejudice. It's a little worse.
3) Desk board -- not too much to say. I'm drawing on my desk board when I get board or inspired. AKA when I'm procrastinating. Right now I've got a scorpion, fuzzy thing, Frisket (my dog), a two-headed ibex, an ouroboros, and a crazy little city college--very Dr. Seuss. I want to draw a rat spider like in Spaced.
4) Keres -- This is a horror book that I've been meaning to write for several years. I've gone to Utah and researched Anasazi. I never feel I know enough about them to write a book. That's why I want to get into a class where we learn about them, but that class is always full. HOWEVER, the other week I was looking through my research and finally feel I am ready to write the story. Problem: my style over the last few years has taken a sharp turn toward comical satire (too much Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett). Horror will be a challenge and a half, but I've read The Return by Bentley Little and am reading The Anasazi Mysteries. Those are not only of a horror genre that I wish to mimic somewhat, but are on the same topic.
5) International movie -- I may or may not being going to London for all of next semester. I know my fellow filmmaker friend is spending that time in France. We want to do some sort of movie together. Whether we just do establishing shots (ES) in the European countries or actually get some main footage, I don't know. Are we doing a plot-guided story? A mocumentary? A reenactment? A documentary? I don't know. Suggestions are welcome.
6) One Unknown -- This is another book I've been wanting to write, except I didn't realize until last summer that I want it to be a book. I thought it was going to be a screenplay, but I think a novel will work out better. Problem: finding a voice for this story. It's in third person, but I don't want it to sound too dry. Usually my third persons are comedy. This is a dramatic political satire. I think it will appeal to all sorts of audiences because it's aimed at the patriots, anti-patriots, and comic book hero obsessees. That's all I'm giving away at this point.
That's all for now. I will write here next time there is any progress (even mental) on any of these or other (new or old) projects.
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